Romancero gitano, Federico García Lorca & Ricardo Cavolo
2020, Lunwerg Editores, 256
The immortal poems of Federico García Lorca take on new life in pages brimming with colours and symbols in every corner. A beautiful example of how two seemingly distant artists can merge their creative worlds to create Beauty.
Federico García Lorca, son of a wealthy landowner and a teacher, lived a rural childhood to which he added a complete education. He moved to Madrid, where he stayed at the Residencia de Estudiantes and met his generation mates and many figures of the artistic scene. In this environment, he became acquainted with the Vanguards, but his personal sensibility surpassed the fashions and he definitively triumphed with his emblematic Romancero gitano. After living an enriching period in Cuba and New York (the impact of this city gives rise to Poeta en Nueva York), he returns to Spain. During the Republic, he directed the company La Barraca, a university theater group with which he took classical theater to all corners of Spain. In 1933 he visited Buenos Aires, where his dramas were a great success. On his return, Lorca, already a successful poet, publicly manifested his left-wing ideas; this fact put him in the crosshairs of the Nationalists, who assassinated him just after the outbreak of the Civil War, two months after finishing The House of Bernarda Alba. Other outstanding works by the author are Poema del cante jondo, La zapatera prodigiosa, Bodas de sangre, Yerma, Doña Rosita la soltera o el lenguaje de las flores, Mariana Pineda and El público.
"The 256 most beautiful pages in the world"